Page name: I hate hate [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-07-12 00:46:58
Last author: zoloftzantac
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Sound ironic? It is, we're not really "hating" hate, but trying to make a point about how hate is the most ugly thing in this world.


An Anti-Hate Community where EVERYONE is welcome, please respect others.


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"Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule."





"Hatred can be overcome only by love."

~Mahatma Gandhi


This wiki was named from something I once heard someone say,
"I hate people who hate hate"

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~Martin Luther King Jr.


"Intolerance: a veil worn to disguise fear and ignorance."

~Binda Fraser

"He that will be angry for anything will be angry for nothing."





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2005-12-10 [zoloftzantac]: Well, part of what I was getting at was more along the lines of, find a partner who loves you for more than your breasts. [The Knight] makes a good point about our bodies being containers, I bet it is nice to have a guy like your container, but find one who cares more about your contents. ;)

2005-12-10 [lustful.hearts]: ya..............

2005-12-10 [HowlofDoom]: exactly

2005-12-10 [lustful.hearts]: yup

2005-12-10 [L V F]: -sighs and watchs and doesnt talk-

2005-12-10 [HowlofDoom]: ...

2005-12-10 [lustful.hearts]: hmmmm................. so ummmmmmm ya

2005-12-10 [RabidSphinx]: you people think i'm "pretty" you all blind-deff-and-dumb-?! and who the hell said i was skinny? HA! freak. i have waited. i'm going to be 20 and today i couldn't even wear a 32A...(i tried one on) i hate my life...><

2005-12-10 [lustful.hearts]: ohhh im so sorry -__-

2005-12-10 [RabidSphinx]: <

2005-12-10 [lustful.hearts]: hmmmmmm 

2005-12-11 [zoloftzantac]: Welcome to [mooncat] our newest part time member! ;) The only real rule here is that you play nice. (meaning please respect everyone) Glad to have you.

2005-12-11 [HowlofDoom]: heh.. typical.. u hate ur life because u rn't PERFECT.. just wait until u have to live the lives some ppl have... u shouldn't care about what u look like ppl will love u all the same! u just have to be a nice good willing person!....

2005-12-11 [zoloftzantac]: Yeah, it seemed a little over dramatic to me, but I know some people do get very down on themselves about thier self/body image. It can be very serious; eating disorders, depresion and even suicide. || I used to have a girlfriend who was a little thick. This discussion reminds me of the day we went shopping and she was in tears because she could no longer fit into a new size 16 pants. It was very upsetting for her. I can imagine how [RabidSphinx] may have felt the same way with her bra experiance.

2005-12-11 [HowlofDoom]: i can and have been the same way but i always get over it... it doesn't help that i actually have a depression dissorder.. i didn't mean to b mean and snappy but i just feel everyone should get over it!

2005-12-11 [lustful.hearts]: ohh yup yup

2005-12-11 [L V F]: -sighs and watchs- Hey can i join?

2005-12-11 [HowlofDoom]: well im glad u seem to agree with me black_rose... i think... lol

2005-12-11 [lustful.hearts]: yup wel..............i do so ya lmao

2005-12-11 [zoloftzantac]: Hello [L V F], no problem, you are welcome here, just remember to please play nice and respect others.

2005-12-12 [Kagomeyasha]: O.O; YES! RESPECT!

2005-12-12 [L V F]: Always do.... -just lurks and watchs-

2005-12-12 [mooncat]: RD needs to stop with the god damn pity act.. who cares what you look like.. people dont like you b/c of how you act.. I have a friend who is in hospital with his sister, both have cancer in their spines and lungs and their brains and they are alot more cheerful and nice to others than RD

2005-12-12 [zoloftzantac]: Hi [mooncat], that is too bad about your friends health, I'm sure it is a difficult time for him and his sister, and for you and all of his loved ones. As for your assessment of [RabidSphinx]'s comment goes, who knows. Maybe she really is unhappy about her self image, or maybe it is a "pity act", or maybe she is just fishing for some strokes and compliments to help pick herself up a bit and feel a little better. Who knows, but I wonder why it seems to bother you so much.Also, your point was a little lost on me as well, as it seems you are complaining about [RabidSphinx] not being "cheerful and nice" in a post that was hardly nice or cheerful.

2005-12-12 [DRACE]: hello, how r ya'll? o.O

2005-12-12 [zoloftzantac]: Hi there [DRACE]! Welcome! I just added a crap load of keywords for this wiki earlier today, is that how you found it?

2005-12-12 [DRACE]: no, I found it awhile ago on someones house thingy, i just keep forgetting to add something ~_~ , well until now, but yer anyways...

2005-12-12 [zoloftzantac]: That's cool that you found it without the keywords, I hope it will be even easier to find now. I'm sure you will notice that some of our members strongly disagree on several subjects. All I ask is that we all please try to respect each other and play nice. Welcome.

2005-12-12 [L V F]: -watchs closely-

2005-12-12 [DRACE]: eh okay, it takes alot for me to hate something, so u could say I am pretty much a puppet, what ever u think is right I will proberly think is right too... meh, go figure *rolls his eyes*

2005-12-12 [L V F]: -chuckles slightly-

2005-12-12 [RabidSphinx]: Do not worry, [mooncat] just hates me. She will say anything to put me down, and ‎pretends to know me, when she knows not one thing about myself? Since we are in a ‎sharing mood, why don't I add some of my personal problems to these posts? Depression ‎disorder Mr. [HowlofDoom]? Join the club. Not only does it run in my family, I have ‎suffered from it more than half my life. My brother has tried to kill himself 3 times now ‎and I fear losing him more than anything. Cancer? My uncle has in inoperable brain ‎tumor. Hospitals? My brother matt was jumped by 6 black kids in a bad hood and was ‎beaten nearly to death. They cut off part of his finger as a trophy. His jaw was broken in ‎‎2 places

2005-12-12 [apologies glances and messed up chances]: what are we talking about Yall'???

2005-12-12 [RabidSphinx]: And had to be wired shut. He had lost 28lbs because he cannot eat anything that isn't a ‎liquid. His head is shaved, and you can see the red bruises on his skull in the shape of the ‎dial on a combination lock where they beat him with a bike-chain and lock. My family ‎has 40 dollars in the bank and we have to somehow come up with 3,000 dollars to repair ‎a ruined sewer system for our house, raw sewage in our basement. Do NOT attempt to ‎psychoanalyze me based off of any one thing I have said on here. It is easy for me to ‎come online and smile and be cheerful, but not always. [mooncat], you hate me, I know, ‎but don't think for one moment I will return the favor, and insult you back.

2005-12-12 [apologies glances and messed up chances]: oh, I see, I am so sorry if I had the money I would send it to you but, right now, I am trying to pay off my parents with using long distance and its over $1,500 I dont know how I am gonna do it I have $11 dollars right now, I wish I could help you [RabidSphinx]

2005-12-12 [RabidSphinx]: I am better than that [mooncat]. I’m bigger than you. And [apologies glances and messed up chances], I am not asking ‎for help, but thank you. And I’m not looking for pity. Just making a point that no one can ‎ever assume ANYTHING about me, or my motives behind the things I say and do.‎

2005-12-12 [apologies glances and messed up chances]: oh, ok sorry didn't mean to sound mean, and I get your point...

2005-12-12 [RabidSphinx]: i'm sorry i snapped. you are kind, and i appriciate it. thank you

2005-12-12 [apologies glances and messed up chances]: thanks! I'm really sorry about what your going through things here aren't hot either, its the middle of winter and our heater is out my parents are trying to afford that and everything else, plus Christmas is right around the corner, were not gonna be able to have a good X-mas this year anyways, plus I am now working 4 jobs after school all part time, grrrr...I'm getting worn out..

2005-12-12 [RabidSphinx]: i' m so sorry. :(  we don't heat the house. we cannot afford to. and we have no money for x-mas. not this year, not last year, not any year i can remember.

2005-12-12 [apologies glances and messed up chances]: omg,...*sobs* I am so sorry...:( I hope all goes well though and I am really sorry my school is making a cd for our choir and I am doing all of the songs with solos, which is 5 songs and I have 6 mins to get to the studio and be ready so ttyl!

2005-12-12 [BlindGuardian]: [RabidSphinx], I don't want to be rude, but I do not this is a competition to see who has it worse. Mainly because having a lot of problems does not make a person better than someone who had it easier. I understand your anger, but I do not think you are heading for the correct spot right now. Well all have troubles, big or small, in our lives, families, groups of friends, and countries. Over 50% of the people in my country is poor. Thas it make me better than you? And regarding [mooncat], how can you ask her not to psychoanalyse you, and next thing you do is say she hates you...?

2005-12-12 [Kagomeyasha]: Can I add in that it doesn't really matter what the problem's actually how it effects the person. So even if it's really small, if it still has a large impact on the person..then it's important.

2005-12-12 [BlindGuardian]: Well, we could write a whole essay on how problems affect people and when it can be considered neurotic... but it's important to note that. I would yet add that if something really small affects a person deeply, it's because it's harming a sensitive part of that person. But if someone overeacts for every little problem of life, I wouldn't consider that a healthy mind.

2005-12-12 [Kagomeyasha]: It's not, and some people are to...self consious to talk about it. That's what I think..and that's what causes chemical imbalences..blah blah blah. =p

2005-12-12 [BlindGuardian]: wow, another psy fan? ^_^ I think, in the end, experience is about how we manage our daily situations. It has to do with the big and small problems we have, but also abot taking risks, exploring our own limits... living. So, terrible things that happen to us have to do with it, but are not ALL of it...

2005-12-12 [Kagomeyasha]: Well, yeah. And if we didn't go through all that we go through...we totally wouldn't be who we are today. And even if you can't accept who you are, someone around you think's that your beautiful..and really wants to get to know you. And I don't mean beautiful as in only physical appearence. Of course.

2005-12-12 [BlindGuardian]: *Hugs [Kagomeyasha]*

2005-12-13 [Kagomeyasha]: *blinks and hugs [BlindGuardian] back* That was random. x]

2005-12-13 [Savage_Reality]: Hello everyone! I just joined this wiki! ^_^ My name is Michael

2005-12-13 [Kagomeyasha]: Hola. ^_^ Welcome, to a hate free ZONE. *burps* Oo;

2005-12-13 [Savage_Reality]: Why thank you! ^_^ I feel welcomed already!

2005-12-13 [Kagomeyasha]: You are! Anyone is welcome here. Well, anyone who's..yeah..I think you get the point. >>;

2005-12-13 [zoloftzantac]: Welcome to [Savage_Reality] our newest member. Yes, we gladly welcome anyone who would like to help us build this little anti-hate community. It is likely you will meet people here who will strongly disagree with you on various subjects, in order for this wiki to work we must all make an effort to respect everyone else. That's the only rule. :)

2005-12-13 [HowlofDoom]: welcome welcome welcome! im pretty new here too!

2005-12-13 [zoloftzantac]: [BlindGuardian] & [Kagomeyasha] made some good points while I was gone, thank you both. The discussion was starting to feel pretty negative to me, like some kind of pissing contest, of who's life is harder, or who is more worthy of pity. We all have problems, and we also all having *feelings*. Part of respecting each other is respecting each others feelings, even when you don't understand them, or disagree about if they should be felt.

2005-12-13 [HowlofDoom]: ...

2005-12-13 [mooncat]: hey.. I just said stop with the crying about how opity ful you are.. and she was the one that continued it.. I hate her.. blad.. I hate she is an art theif.. and a bigot.. and an attention whore.. my friend in the hospital isnt asking for pity.. he is joking and laughing and even tho he may never see his love ... they are talking on line.. and to hear thenm warms my heart. He isnt bitching but his life.. and frankly he has had it alot worse than RD... I she want to say I hate her b/c I dont care about her appearance fine.. I dont.

2005-12-13 [zoloftzantac]: This is a Safe Zone Anti-Hate Communitiy. Hate is a four letter word here because hate is never respectful. If you need to make defamatory comments about members of this wiki, please do it elsewere. (like i hate Rainedrop) I thought your original remarks were inflamitory, and while they started a bit of a flare up, I thought things were mostly under control until this point. Posts about hate, that call others names or that don't show any respect for others will not be supported here. Attacking someone won't solve anything.Please try to be more constructive and more respectful in your future posts.

2005-12-13 [zoloftzantac]: [BlindGuardian] was also correct when she said this is not a contest to see who has had it worse, especially since it really doesn't matter if one thinks someone has had a bad enough life to justify ones opinion of thier attitude. In any case, hate is not welcome here.

2005-12-13 [L V F]: -watchs- -eats some steak- Anybody want a hamburger!? Ill even cook lol

2005-12-13 [RabidSphinx]: [mooncat] implied that i had no "real" problems, and brought up a sick friend. she assums too much of me. i just brought up some things in my life i do NOT mention, because i really don't think it is anyone's business, but i was making a point that i too have "problems" i have to deal with, beyond that of just my looks and how i feel about myself. [mooncat] is a hateful person. i do not "steal art" and i am not a "bigot" but clearly, she has issues. i do not need this, and if she starts harassing me again, i'm reporting her to the guards and having her banned AGAIN for it. people like her are not good for my self-essteme

2005-12-13 [BlindGuardian]: [L V F], I think I'll get a hamburger with cheese ^^.

2005-12-13 [BlindGuardian]: [RabidSphinx], I do not think anyone here has the right to call anyone hateful. Maybe she's just angry. I agree this is not the best way or the correct wiki to express it, but I do not think you two should keep getting on each other's nerves. And one last tging. No person on Earth is good for your self-esteem, otherwise it wouldn't be... well, "self". Every person builds his or her own confidence. We cannot blame our lack of it on someone else.As for [mooncat], I don't think you should call anyoen an art-stealer without having strong proof for it, and anyway I don't think it's the point of discussion. If you really have something to say about [RabidSphinx]'s personality which shows in her

2005-12-13 [Kagomeyasha]: This seems like alotta hate, for a no hate zone. =p *runs away*

2005-12-13 [BlindGuardian]: comments, or something constuctive to add to the debate, I encopurage you to do so. I think [zoloftzantac] (God, couldn't he get a harder name to write? ~_^) idea for this wiki was a free-from-hate zone, and that includes hate against other memberes, including yourself and [RabidSphinx]

2005-12-13 [Kagomeyasha]: I don't hate her, Just...yeah..not hate though. >>;

2005-12-14 [Savage_Reality]: Oh....the pain. The Pain..I just wish everyone would hold hands, and lick lolly pops, and everything would be!

2005-12-14 [Kagomeyasha]: *dies* that would be far to happy for me. =p

2005-12-14 [Savage_Reality]: teeheh! Just an expression. I just hate all the 'debating' we should all get along, and just say "fuck it" life is short, and I'd hate to spend it trying to prove someone wrong, or vice versa.

2005-12-14 [Kagomeyasha]: Lifes a bitch, then you die..fuck the world! Let's get high!! >>;

2005-12-14 [Savage_Reality]: ^_^ never done that.

2005-12-14 [mooncat]: point of fact ... I did show proof of the stolen art.. original and her copy she claimed was her original characters... the funny thing is the original art is from a YAOI site.. and we all know RD hates homosexuality... she harress me I complained to the guards.. she and I were both banned... but she started it.. I just want her to stop her hate wiki.. that she started b/c she hates me.. and homosexuals..

2005-12-14 [Kagomeyasha]: Wait, what?

2005-12-14 [zoloftzantac]: Whether or not someone stole something will not be a topic of this wiki. I am not interested in getting bogged down in "he said/she said" discussions. I know you were both banned from elfpack before, fighting with each other could have a similar result the second time around. Do not take it as a threat from me, I want for us all to get along.

2005-12-14 [zoloftzantac]: I realize getting along is difficult in this case. [RabidSphinx] personally belivies that being homosexual is a choice people make, and she belives that the choice of homosexuality is a sin. Because of this she sees homosexuality as an unnessisary and negative thing. On the other hand [mooncat] belives that being homosexual is a natural and perfectly healthy way to be, and that it is not a choice, and therefor something that gay people strongly identify with. (I make no asumption about [mooncat]s sexuality, it doesn't mater for the sake of this point) Because of this, she knows that gay people take it very personaly when someone speaks out against homosexuality AND who they are.

2005-12-14 [HowlofDoom]: well if they can't agree on that they can at least agree that everyone has their right ot their own opinion and beleifs and be done with it

2005-12-14 [zoloftzantac]: These are differances of opinon, they started as simple dissagrements. How you chose to react to someone who disagrees with you is the one thing you have 100% control over. Let go of who started it, each of you can decide to not hate, to relase this anger (that does not serve you anyway) and to try to make the world a better place thru understanding and love instead.

2005-12-14 [zoloftzantac]: [mooncat] I to would like to see the i hate homosexuality wiki go away, but anger and hate are never the way to peace and love.

2005-12-14 [HowlofDoom]: yes.. u seem very wise [zoloftzantac]

2005-12-14 [Kagomeyasha]: No offense, but It shouldn't have to go away. I'm being reasonable becuase as you all say, people are entitled to their own opinion's, and if that's hating something, then so be it. I strongly disagree about i hate homosexualty, but it's not something that I have to see. I can ignore it, and not look at it. It may be offensive, but so are alot of other things in this world. you just have to learn to ignore. and if I'm not mistaken, its seems [RabidSphinx] is kind of a main target here, and even if I don't like her, it doesn't seem too fair. =T

2005-12-14 [HowlofDoom]: I know.. i understand everyone has their own opinions...

2005-12-14 [Kagomeyasha]: Good. ^_^ I'm just saying we should stop targeting people, and start discussing actually hate problems. =o

2005-12-14 [HowlofDoom]: i didn't targed anybody

2005-12-14 [Kagomeyasha]: I'm not blameing you. >.<;

2005-12-14 [HowlofDoom]: i know... i was jus sayin

2005-12-14 [Kagomeyasha]: Heh, no problem. ^^

2005-12-14 [lustful.hearts]: ohhh

2005-12-14 [BlindGuardian]: I agree with [Kagomeyasha], but only up to some point. I think it's wiser to choose to ignore i hate homosexuality, but I do not think it was wise to make a wiki like that in the first place. Looks like [RabidSphinx] likes attention (any kind of attention) driven to her... on the other hand, I don't think it's right to attack her, that's why I do not inconditionally supported [mooncat] in this argument.

2005-12-14 [Kagomeyasha]: I understand. I sttttrrroooonngggglllyyy, more than you know, disagree on that wiki. I wish that it were never made. But we've made wiki's that she's against, so I guess that it's fair, rude, but fair.

2005-12-14 [BlindGuardian]: I like your view ^_^

2005-12-14 [Kagomeyasha]: Thank you. *hugs* That wwas for the last time when you hugged me. ^^'

2005-12-14 [X2]: no hate? how can we possible live without hate!?

2005-12-14 [zoloftzantac]: I think some of my words may have been missunderstood. Please understand, I would like to see i hate homosexuality go away because I would like us all to love and accept each other. I am also 100% supportive of the existance of an i hate homosexuality wiki (even tho I completly disagree with the opinions expressed there with all of my heart, soul and mind)

2005-12-14 [zoloftzantac]: I also belive that it is dangerous to ignore hate, I belive it is important to be a voice against hate, but this must be done while loving and respecting the haters. Otherwise, while one may be trying to bring more harmony to the world, the result could only be a contribution of more negativity.

2005-12-14 [zoloftzantac]: Welcome X2, so, what has hate done for you lately?

2005-12-14 [zoloftzantac]: my sense of humor is way too dry for the internet, that was supposed to be a joke and *sound* friendly :) (am I the only one up this late?)

2005-12-14 [RabidSphinx]:, aren't i the center of attention here...when did this wiki stop being about hate and start being "lets all talk about RD"? gosh. i like my wiki, it will remain up thank you very much. i would like too see all the gay wikis go down, but i'm not bitching, or saying one word towards them, too have them taken down. what's up with yall unable to just "agree to disagree". >< [mooncat] takes everything i say personally, that is why one should never debate with her on something. she attacks the person, not the topic.

2005-12-14 [apologies glances and messed up chances]: So, what are we talking about??Who wants to shut your wiki off???

2005-12-14 [RabidSphinx]: oh, everyone wants to, they just cannot since it breaks no EP rules (at the moment)

2005-12-14 [apologies glances and messed up chances]: why do they want to though I don't understand..

2005-12-14 [RabidSphinx]: they don't like my opinions...*shrugs*

2005-12-14 [apologies glances and messed up chances]: Who cares about their opinions its what you think we are all gonna have different sayings on everything so tell them to shut up and just say their opinions on your wiki because, thats not fair that you will have to delete your wiki because, people have to be so childish

2005-12-14 [RabidSphinx]: well, i think THEY care about THEIR opinions actually...>> and i don't extend my opinions beyond my wiki. (not in my house, and not on other wikis) but my opinions keep being brought up, and i keep being targeted/hated for them. it's rather tiresum...(-_-;)

2005-12-14 [apologies glances and messed up chances]: hmmmm...I don't know what to say then, they should just keep their opinions to themselves then,

2005-12-14 [RabidSphinx]: i live with it...*shrugs* i don't care that they disagree with me, i care that they feel the need to put me down for it....><

2005-12-14 [apologies glances and messed up chances]: grrrr...that makes me mad, people need to treat people with respect maybe then they would be treated the correct way back..

2005-12-14 [RabidSphinx]: i don't think they realize they are doing it...*shrugs*

2005-12-14 [apologies glances and messed up chances]: I don't know, I don't like people like that I find them rude, but, I deal with what they have to say and just be nice...

2005-12-14 [BlindGuardian]: [RabidSphinx], now you pissed me off. Please be kind enough to stop the bullshit. You posted a comment saying we're all coming for you when the current subject was... a wiki? nobody was directing comments to you. And second, can't you f**ing read???. Do so, for God's sake! We all said, we'd like ihate homosexuality was never made, but nobody said he or she would actively do anything to put it down! And I quote [zoloftzantac]: "I am also 100% supportive of the existance of an i hate homosexuality wiki ". So, if you don't really care for what we do here, why do you actually need to drop by and show it off? I'm tired of you look-how-I-don't-need-attention

2005-12-14 [BlindGuardian]: attitude. Be reasonable, stop posing as the poor undeservedly offended victim and take care of your nice wiki, and get yourself a self-esteem, and a little bit of discretion. You'll find them useful, I guarantee.

2005-12-15 [L V F]: -shakes head and walks out-

2005-12-15 [Kagomeyasha]: Ouuuuccchh...*winces*

2005-12-15 [mooncat]: RD says that i take everything she say personally, that is why one should never debate with her on something. she attacks the person, not the topic..... gee it sounds exactly what she does!... the reason Ive ever taken anything personally is when she has made it personally about me!

2005-12-15 [mooncat]: and there is a difference between an opinion and hate literature.. just like there are differences between facts and opinions.. but RD can see those either... and she has opinions about gays and what is it to be gay but she is not gay so she has no right to say what it is like to be gay... and yes I am gay so I have a right to say what it is like to be gay

2005-12-15 [zoloftzantac]: Goodmorning [mooncat] (It is 1 in the morning in CA anyway) I think we can all agree that attcking the person is not a constructive way to make a point, who ever does it, I would rather we all avoid doing it in the future than try to figure out who has done it in the past. (maybe we can just leave personal attacks to the politicians) I do agree with you about hate literature, there is a differance between "free speach" and "hate speach". This being an anti-hate wiki (and not an ignore hate wiki) this is just the type of thing I would like to talk about. I'm going to change the "topic of disscussion" (which I don't really expect us to stick to)

2005-12-15 [L V F]: -comes back in-

2005-12-15 [catelf]: Can I make that 'speech'? Sorry, I'm a fusspot. Anyway, I think free speech should always be possible... I know I'm hypocritical in that I completely believe in free speech, but I still would rather i hate homosexuality (hey, RD, it's a good example to use) didn't exist. So it has a full right to exist, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

2005-12-15 [RabidSphinx]: [BlindGuardian] you quote mr. zoloft, but not yourself. do not hide behind other's words, please......i take alot of things personal, yes, but alot of other people agree that what is said is a shot at me, though rather "under the table". and no [mooncat], i was on a debate team, if in a debate, i do not attack the opponant, just the topic. i think it was you that called me the "evil hate queen of EP" first. i figured, after that, the debate was over with you. and never assume anything about me [mooncat] and how i may or may not feel towards my own sex. who is to say i am not gay? have i ever said i wasn't? once again, you assume too much. You blind yourself from the topic, and fixate on me.

2005-12-15 [RabidSphinx]: yes, [catelf] alot of people would rather my wiki did not exist. but i would rather girls kissing girls and boys kissing boys did not exist, but, i have never (up until just now) said anything against them, and never left a message within them. i accept their existance and just ignore them

2005-12-15 [apologies glances and messed up chances]: Exactly, why can't [RabidSphinx] Keep her wiki up and running that is not fair, alot of poepl don't like alot of wikis and think they should be shut down, so why should just hers and no one elses, we ALL have different opinions on things so leave [RabidSphinx] alone, ok???

2005-12-15 [RabidSphinx]: i think what they are *trying* to say is they will take no action to have it taken down, but will not mourn it's loss if it did go down, and would have rather i never spoken up for myself/my beliefs in the first place.

2005-12-15 [apologies glances and messed up chances]: grrrrr...I understand what you mean though [RabidSphinx] but, thats not fair people should treat people nicely and not say things like that to put other people down I don't care how much you disliek the person you can keep quiet about what you have to judge them on..

2005-12-15 [RabidSphinx]: that is what mr. zoloft wants. but, i'm just to much of a target here...>>;

2005-12-15 [apologies glances and messed up chances]: I see, thats retarded though you have to admit

2005-12-15 [RabidSphinx]: my fault for being hee i suppose.

2005-12-15 [apologies glances and messed up chances]: no its not your fault! Don't blame it on yourself please don't! its not you your a great person I believe you and agree with you on some things! just please have faith in yourself and fight for what you believe don't let other people shut you down, and depress you stand up for yourself and be proud please???

2005-12-15 [RabidSphinx]: wow...thanks...^^ glad someone is supportive of me. and i was not really puting myself down, just being honest. people would be nicer to me, if i was not here. god bless you though [apologies glances and messed up chances]

2005-12-15 [zoloftzantac]: GRRRRR ...... *starts to feel like his birth sign, the tiger* decides to calm down a bit and write later. *starts to make a pic of how it feels to be a dark tiger in a bad mood*

2005-12-15 [HowlofDoom]: .....

2005-12-15 [zoloftzantac]: Welcome to our newest members [Mental Terrorist] and [EmO GuRl] thanks for joining us. This is a tender subject that we all have strong feelings about, and you will likely meet people here whom you will disagree with, all I ask is that you please respect everyone and try to play nice. Thanks.

2005-12-15 [HowlofDoom]: welcome.. sorry if i don't seem jolly today.. cuz im not...

2005-12-16 [BlindGuardian]: Fine, [RabidSphinx]. You're gay now, too? Everybody look at her in awe and say "whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"... now, back to our point, you want me to quote myself? " I think it's wiser to choose to ignore i hate homosexuality, but I do not think it was wise to make a wiki like that in the first place". (In your face! ^_^ look it up, if you wish) So please try to read, darling. It's useful, really. Prevents me from going back to my sayings once and again...

2005-12-16 [HowlofDoom]:

2005-12-16 [Kagomeyasha]: Seriously, this sympathy shot is making me sick. NO ONE SAID THAT YOU HAD TO ERASE YOUR WIKI. Get the hell over it. All that they were saying is that, "they don't like it and wish that it wasn't there." They're not yelling stupid things like, "You don't have the right of free speech!! Take your wiki down, cause we don't like it!" Don't make this an emotional thing, it's stupid.

2005-12-16 [Kagomeyasha]: That was kind of random, considering we're talking about a wiki.

2005-12-16 [L V F]: actually that was to the wrong place lol im gonna remove it

2005-12-16 [zoloftzantac]: *in a much better mood* doh, I missed [L V F]'s random, first non-lurker post! :) Pic is done, it came out exactly how I felt


2005-12-16 [zoloftzantac]: [RabidSphinx]:. You said,"i think what they are *trying* to say is they will take no action to have it taken down" Are you serious or what? This is not what I said at all. What I am saying is that I think your opinon is hatefull, and that your wiki makes the world a more ugly place, BUT that I would fight till my death for your right to have it up.

2005-12-16 [zoloftzantac]: "and would have rather i never spoken up for myself/my beliefs in the first place." This is not correct either. My wish is that you did not have hate in your heart, then you would not have felt like making a hate wiki.

2005-12-17 [DRACE]: hmmm... is it wrong to hate a can of fruit when the little ringpull thingy snaps off and the can won't even break when u throw th damn thing at a wall or hit with a hammer...

2005-12-17 [Yes, I've left.]: lol....nah...i think you can be excused for that

2005-12-17 [Kagomeyasha]: Oo; that was random. >>;

2005-12-17 [zoloftzantac]: Try to understand how [can of friut] must feel, how would you feel if you really didn't want to open and then someone hit you with a hammer for it. Can't you and [can of friut] just agree to disagree about the open-ness of this can? :p

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: i made an over generalized comment, and you are nitpicking at it mr. zoloft. do not miss the overall point by focusing on too small of a point. anyways, how are you all this morning

2005-12-17 [BlindGuardian]: I think you escape the points which become to dangerous by saying we do not understand, or making far fetched afirmations. And when we question you about them, you answer with abstract general answers saying you were proving a poiunt, but hardly specifying which point were you making. As for me, I think I went back to clarify things as much as was needed. If you respect the people who really try to understand you, please be as clear as we all try to be. *Woo hoo, my rage access is over! My grammar is complex again. lol*

2005-12-17 [BlindGuardian]: A good way to start would be being more accurate about your last post. Just a suggestion.

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: it is not a post to YOU so do not worry over it.

2005-12-17 [BlindGuardian]: I worry about the posts which *were* directed to me. And this, unlike yours, IS a debate wiki, so I guess I can ask you to clarify your view. AND if you saiy you're being misunderstood, it would be fair that you corrected us, humble mortals. AND, I think I said it was a suggestion. Let me check... yes, I did.

2005-12-17 [BlindGuardian]: And once again, instead of being more clear, you try to run away with it. Í sincerely hope that's not your overall attitude towards life...

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: what comment did i just make that was directed towards you? i believe i only made one, and it was to one member.

2005-12-17 [BlindGuardian]: *posts* + *were* = past posts! (I wonder if you're doing it on porpouse, or you accidentally forgot the part regarding this wiki being a debate wiki...?)

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: what would you like me to clearify that i said days ago? i purposefully overlooked the past few days, regardless of what was said to/about me, in hopes of just avoiding conflict (i.e. what you are doing now) and hope to just hear "how are you this morning", helping make this place a less "hatefull" place. forgive me for trying to be a "bigger person" and move on...><

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: how about this, if you have a problem with me, or would like a debate, PM me. otherwise, lets just let things drop, cool down, and continue on on a better note? how is everyone today?

2005-12-17 [BlindGuardian]: Ah, grown up... I forgot you were that too. I would not PM you because I thought our opinions were worth sharing with the group, and would make other interesting opinions come up. My mistake, if by answering posts you will only heat up. And on a more childish note, welcome to my Hall of Shame! (Guards may make me take you down, but this moment shall be immortal)

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: i figured, since you thought i was an "attention whore" and so forth, you would not like me debating my opinion/talking about myself here, when we are talking about a wiki i just so happen to own. taking it out of here was my attempt at keeping the peace (or trying to establish it) and save mr. zoloft a headache when he gets online. i guess you really are that childish. i guess i overestimated your ability to debate. can't debate in private without the help from others on a wiki heh? pity

2005-12-17 [BlindGuardian]: I'm better than that. I enjoy public debate for the reasons I explained above. I have nothing I should hide in a PM. Nothing to say I cannot say here too. I'm not disrupting peace, I'm hoping to take the debate to a higher level (that is, when people are forced to think about their opinions to better justify them). As for being childish, that's my way of keeping sanity in it's right place (no too much, not too little). Without making assumptions, I can tell you I've seen more of the world than you, otherwise you would realise I don't want you to hide your opinion, but to stand for it. Only you will not speak clearly enough for us to continue the debate. Not argument, not fight, just debate.

2005-12-17 [BlindGuardian]: *Brother is playing with his band, so walks away humming Guns'n'Roses tunes...*

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: i do not like debating on a wiki with so many active members for the simple reason of i do not have internet at my house, and so i say one thing, and have to go home, then 2 days later sign back on and there are 20 messages in responce to the one thing i said, and it is beyond any hope for me to continue or defend what i said. it is just a confusing mess, (as you have seen on here already, and thus why i tend to say you guys are not understanding me) PMs i can debate much easier on, because it is one on one, and i am able to answer them in my time. it isn't that i hide my opinions, it is just easier

2005-12-17 [EmO GuRl]: why do you write so much it is cool but why?

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: i was trying to avoid that...sorry...BG just seems to want to fight with me about something, if it is not my opinions, it seems she has to argue with me over me trying not to argue...><;

2005-12-17 [EmO GuRl]: ..................

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: are you today?

2005-12-17 [EmO GuRl]: me?

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: um, yeah.... :/

2005-12-17 [EmO GuRl]: oh cool i am good thanks hows you?

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: i'm alright. i am currently at my friend's house (because she has internet and a scanner...>> ) and i'm scanning some of my drawings. i'm not a user-friend...*shifty eyes* lol

2005-12-17 [EmO GuRl]: *Grins i got one yeyo i need my pictures on my page to i love drawing and cant stop once i start lol it gets a lil funny cause i start drawing randomness lol ^-^

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: looking at my drawings before i scan them, i hate only like, like, 2 of the, like 12 i'm scanning...ol...but i'm the same way, i start drawing and just don't

2005-12-17 [lustful.hearts]: sooooo

2005-12-17 [EmO GuRl]: yeah it is a lil funny at times but i start realy good cant stop and then i carry on then they turn a lil funny looking at the end

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: mine start crappy, get a little better, then round off being crappy again....out of, like, 15 drawings, only 1 or 2 will be decent...>>

2005-12-17 [EmO GuRl]: well i love most of my drawing that i draw realy am not being stuk up sorry......

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: that's alright...i think it is a GOOD thing if you like your own art...

2005-12-17 [EmO GuRl]: oh that is awsome... am glad you do i wouldnt want you not liking me for it ...

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: it takes alot for me to not like someone (believe it or not) lol

2005-12-17 [EmO GuRl]: oh thats is cool i like that in a person you seem realy nice ^-^...

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: wow! THANKS! ^^ you are nice too. do you have some of your art on your house? (i haven't looked yet) i want to see it...^^

2005-12-17 [lustful.hearts]: i looooooooooove to draw

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: really? what do you draw? i usually only draw the characters from my stories...

2005-12-17 [EmO GuRl]: i draw alot of animals and i draw manga/anime x

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: i used to draw animals...i rocked at it (in my young and silly opinion) but i couldn't draw people, so i started drawing alot of people to get better at it, now i can't draw animals anymore...>< lol...i started with Anime, but, i don't read/watch much of it anymore...i think i must have, like, grown out of it or something...>>;

2005-12-17 [lustful.hearts]: it depends on my mood oncei drew a gint eye its called "words not spoken" and sewn up lips called "what you see is what you get" sometimed i draw faeireis it just depends you know

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: that's cool! i wanna see! ^^ i draw, like, stuff...>>;

2005-12-17 [EmO GuRl]: wow that is cool i can draw both at times ^-^

2005-12-17 [lustful.hearts]: i'' have to take a picture of it sometime so i can post it there cool....

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: i'm a member of budding artists here...either of you guys?

2005-12-17 [EmO GuRl]: nope

2005-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: there needs to be more members... :(

2005-12-17 [EmO GuRl]: ish went and lookied at it ^-^

2005-12-18 [lustful.hearts]: no sorry ill check it out

2005-12-18 [RabidSphinx]: ^^ yay! all art people of this wiki: check it out!!

2005-12-18 [DRACE]: boobies do it to me everytime...

2005-12-18 [DRACE]: *sits against a wall playing with his tail*

2005-12-18 [RabidSphinx]: i wish i had boobies... :P

2005-12-18 [Kagomeyasha]: I'm an artist, in my own special way. >>;

2005-12-18 [RabidSphinx]: aren't we all...>>;

2005-12-18 [Kagomeyasha]: Yesss...*evil laugh snicker thinger* yesss...>>;

2005-12-18 [RabidSphinx]: *shifty eyes*

2005-12-18 [Kagomeyasha]: *pokes*......*runs away&*

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